Showing posts with label SBPI Pekan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SBPI Pekan. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

become a faci.....

sorry for take along time to post a new story...
actually this week i'm really busy with examination..
but today i'm not gonna talk about examination because i know
that was really bored topic to talk about....

so today i'm gonna talk about my experience become a facilitator....
what???i'm become a facilitator...actually i,m also did not believe
that i can become a good faci..

i become a faci for form 2 and 3 students at SBPI Pekan...
i have butterfly in my stomach because this is my
first time to become a faci for a boarding school
they all are elite how i gonna handle them???
all sort of thing linger in my mind.....
but it's too late for me to give excuse because i already on the bus

after about one hour journey finally we manage to arrive at SBPI Pekan
this is a glance about that school....

actually it's a big school because it can accommodate students from form 1 until form 5.......
when we arrived at there all the students line up on the besides of the hall
and they welcoming us like a celebrity....
so all of us were move by that...

the most embarrassing moment is when we sit in front.. 

of hundreds of students.....huhuhuhu

then we start with our modul...
i think i don't want to talk about our modul...
the students were divided into several group...
so...i have my own group....
my group consist of 5 male and 5 female..
it's quite balance...

becaouse i were really eager doing  the module...
i forgot to snap a picture of my group..
but here i have my friends group..

this one of our activities with the students

one day at there i fell really short...
after taking our lunch and pray zohor prayer
it's time for us to take a leave...

but before we go back to iium
the obligatory routine is to take a picture....

so...good bye SPBI Pekan.......
if we still a chance we can visit u again...